Assignment 3

Ove Rivera III
2 min readOct 6, 2020

For years now I personally have watched YouTube as my main source of media entertainment. Cable was taken out of my room back home because I never used it and I discovered so many new things I like just from watching YouTube videos. When I first started watching YouTube it was for gameplay videos of video games that I didn’t have the money to buy. I watched some of the greatest games ever made in the past ten years on YouTube and it broadened my knowledge of games I have played, and I remember things from some of these videos I watched almost ten years ago now. Then as I broadened my horizons, I started watching comedy videos and skit videos. as one of my graphics says it talks about channels that have had the most subscribers and I remember two big times where I was a fan of a most subscribed to youtuber. the first was Smosh in January of 2013 I remember the exact day they surpassed the previous holder of the most subscribers as they released a video I still have in my saved videos to this day. the second time I remember is when Pewdiepie reached the top in December of 2013 as it is the record for the longest time at the top of subscribers to this day. While both of those channels aren’t at the top anymore, they are still large parts of how I grew up and what I watched. I would say I am a part of the old wave of YouTube watchers because I don’t enjoy the content that most people on YouTube do now and the term viral video is so rare when back in the glory days of YouTube the viral videos is what got people talking about YouTube, it’s what put them on the map in people’s eyes and they’ve lost that over the years. I personally feel that YouTube and YouTubers as a whole have fallen into a slump where they just wash, rinse, and repeat day in and day out. As of today, the page with the most subscribers is called T-series with 139 million subscribers and they have held that spot since April 14th, 2019. If I am going to be completely honest just from a personal standpoint, I’m not a fan of T-series I feel they aren’t what I expect to be on YouTube. Their videos aren’t the same stupid fun or informative videos that I’m used to, and they don’t click with me like the old stuff used to. We went from people making videos because it was a fun thing to do to people trying to find ways to stretch their video to be at least ten minutes so they can get ads on their video which will make them more money. I think YouTube being a viable source of income is what ruined YouTube in the first place and now people just upload to see another check come in while people used to upload because it was fun.

